Major Comeback for the Cult of Amon Ra!
3 Years ago, the Cult of Amon Ra (hosted on Wordpress) was one of the biggest community websites that gave you honest and trustworthy information regarding all things considered to be occult, paranormal, magic, ancient history and secret societies.
Back in the day, the cult had great following numbers before it fell. The reason for that was the occult 3th degree leader Fabiel, who also was the main admin for the website, mysteriously disappeared.
Today is the day that a few trusted members of the leaders inner circle are continuing his life work.
We will provide you the teachings that will grant you the path towards enlightenment!
We have deleted the old website on Wordpress and started fresh on Blogger. So this is now the new official place of the Cult of Amon Ra!
We have deleted the old website on Wordpress and started fresh on Blogger. So this is now the new official place of the Cult of Amon Ra!
Be sure to check this website for coming updates!
May the light be with you!
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